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Video and photos: Yemenis celebrate the International Coffee Day

Video and photos: Endless innovations celebrating - yemenis celebrate the International Coffee Day

Automatic translation (experimental)

Yemenis celebrated the International Coffee Day events in wonderful and unique ways. Singing, composition, photography and research all revive the memory of Yemeni coffee as a title for the prosperity of the country, which is the first source of coffee in the year.

?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 30, 2020

Artists, painters, farmers and activists in Yemen competed in displaying paintings, song and construction pieces, and historical and informational publications On social networks.

?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 1, 2020

On this day, of course, the song of Love and Coffee by Mutahhar bin Ali Al-Eryani and Ali bin Ali Al Ansi was the most famous.

In its twitter, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Yemen said, "Nobody liked coffee like the Yemeni. In the morning he drinks its beans, and in the evening he drinks a boiled of its husks and plans its joys as soon as it is harvested, with all the love and tenderness the whole world has offered."

The Red Cross added that, "On the International Coffee Day, the world owes its thanks to the Yemeni who loves coffee."


For his part, Yemeni activist and photographer Ali Al-Senidar wrote, "Yemeni coffee is a cultural framework and a national legacy that can build a dynamic economy and connect Yemenis with all the peoples of the world through the magical drink."

Automatic translation (experimental) -  The original text is in Arabic
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